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Yigal Dvash is a 15-year old boy, a middle child out of 11 sisters and brothers. Yigal's parents are settlers who live in Qiryat-Arba. Yigal does not attend any educational system and spends most of his days wondering the dangerous streets of Hebron with his guitar. His father drops him every morning near the Makhpela cave and drives away. Yigal's day consists of visiting the IDF soldiers in their posts, playing them tunes in his guitar, as well as dipping in the Mikve and praying. Some days he also visits Bnaya, a good friend who lives near the Makhpela cave.  Yigal is nicknamed "Hachi Tov" (which means in Hebrew "the best") as he always gives this answer when someone asks him how he is. At the end of the day he hitchhikes back to Qiryat-Arba.

ultra orthodox at work cook Israel kugel

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